Gain valuable insights into your company's performance

Discover valuable insights into your company's performance, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your business strategies.

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Easily create the data you need to succeed

No code drag and drop interface

Full overview

Split data on multiple dashboards & pages

Effortlessly organize and visualize your data across multiple dashboards and pages.

Almost automatic

Powerful widgets with drag & drop

Effortlessly customize your reports with powerful drag-and-drop widgets.

Growing library

Vast amount of helpful widgets

Access a diverse collection of useful widgets, providing you with a wide range of tools.

Use everywhere

Fully responsive and mobile ready

Enjoy a fully responsive and mobile-ready reporting experience.

All kind of data

Display any type of information

Effortlessly showcase and visualize a wide range of information with flexibility.


Built in powerful and flexible filtering

Leverage the built-in powerful filtering capabilities to easily refine and drill down into the performance data.

Free forever

per month

Start out with our free plan and expand as you grow.

Start for free

Truly powerful software with simple, straightforward pricing

It's time for pricing that's simple and fair and that gives you access to the whole range of features out of the box.

Start for FREE