Doerkit tasks is like a personal assistant for your work. It can handle all sorts of tasks - big or small, simple or complex - and even helps you break down big projects into smaller, more manageable pieces.
No more pen & paper. With Doerkit time tracking, it's easy to track time and get paid for it, fast. This feature is ideal for freelancers and small businesses. You can even invoice your clients for the final bill at the end of the month in just a few clicks!
Say goodbye to long to-do lists, we've simplified the task management process for you! With task, you can create subtasks with a few taps, delete it with one tap, or copy and paste it as many times as you need. Your tasks are always in view and your to-do list is automatically sorted by due date.
We provide you with a perfect way to organise all your customer interactions. Write down everything that's been discussed and take notes during calls. You will be able to keep track of every discussion that was ever made and every agreement made.
The ability to work with documents is a fundamental need for most professionals, and we make it easy. With attachments, you can easily attach files or other documents to any task, and get what you need in one place. You can preview, download, or print the file, or save it directly to your computer or device.